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Happy new year!

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Happy New Year Security Enthusiasts!

New Year, new blog. The team here at are happy to announce that we have moved our hosting again, this time to Cloudflare pages! This has made our site free, we can actually add new posts, it should be faster etc. Previously, I had a wordpress instance that actually cost money. Then I just archived the whole blog to HTML and served that directly on github pages. This was fine, but we couldn’t add any new posts easily! So I’ve gone to the trouble of converting all of the posts to Jekyll format, which wasn’t easy. It is still a bit messy, but bear with us while we iron out the kinks.

Hope you enjoy the new layout, and have a great start to the new year.

Welcome to Jekyll!

less than 1 minute read

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

Jekyll requires blog post files to be named according to the following format:


Where YEAR is a four-digit number, MONTH and DAY are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP is the file extension representing the format used in the file. After that, include the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.

Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:

def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.

Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo. If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll Talk.

Frasers razors, the new meta

2 minute read

Frazer’s Razors – The NEW META?

6 months ago I decided to ditch the ol’ Gillette Mach III and get the cheapest razor I could buy – the BIC 20 pack. Isn’t a razor just a razor? Isn’t stainless steel just stainless steel? Let’s find out.

Gillette Mach III:
– £15 for 8 Blades (handle not included)
– 3 stainless steel blades
– £1.8 per blade

– £4 for a 20 pack (handles included on each)
– 3 stainless steel blades
– 20p per blade

Harrys (seems popular):
– £8 for 4 blades (handle not included)
– 5 stainless steel blades
– £2 per blade

So on the face of it, we can see the BIC has the same specs as the Gillette, for a hell of a lot cheaper. The Harrys has 5 blades – but do you really need that many? Theoretically the fewer blades you have the better the shave. There is a reason why professional groomers use a cut-throat single blade.

The BIC triple Razor – for sensitive skin

So, onto the part you are all waiting for: the review! Yes, the BIC provides as good of a shave as any shaver I have used. I have done good time on Gillette fusion 5 blade, the Mach 3, the Mach 2, and the Shick Quattro, so I’ve been around the block. The BIC is as good as any of these for closeness and sharpness. I also found that the razors last just as long as any named brand. A blade is a blade.

However there is one BIG caveat. For my shaving frequency, the shave takes forever. I shave maybe once every 10 days, so the hairs get long. And my electric shaver doesn’t work so I can’t trim before it. The blades seem to be closer together or something on the BICs and hairs get trapped in, which means you are always having to tap it and remove hairs. However, if you shave every day or second day, this issue doesn’t occur. The moisturizing pad on the shavers are actually pretty decent too!

So, the verdict:

Yes, the BIC blades are as good as any other, but they are especially good for people who shave frequently. I am going to continue using them, as they are so much cheaper. Somehow the blade companies have brainwashed all us suckers into paying 10x their value – just like Weber Q gas canisters…but we will save that for a future post!

Make sure to subscribe your email so you get notifications, and other great IT Security tips such as this!

Posted on March 17, 2021

Ftbs Miq Day 1 4 Settling In

2 minute read

FTBs MIQ | Day 1-4 | ‘Settling in’

Hi everyone, and welcome back to the hit series: FTBs MIQ!

Surprisingly, stuck in a room for the whole day doesn’t give you as much free time as you like. I haven’t found time to write the blog, so I’m packing in a couple days here as they are all basically the same. With a gaming laptop and a good internet connection and 0 guilt about playing games…well.

Day 1

We have been set into a small ‘group’ who gets our Covid tests done together. Got a covid test. The meals aren’t terrible, just bang average.

Americas Cup is on, and all everyone is talking about. Tune in on the 4K TV – not bad reception. The ‘expert’ panel cracks me up. Everyone but Dean Barker doesn’t look like they’ve been on a boat before in their life – except for the dude who may have arrived on one.

Day 2

We have gotten a blue band and are allowed out! There is a walking track that you can book. It is a 4:35 round trip walking. 40 mins I did a bit over 5k steps.

So far have basically just played a ton of Warzone! The aussie servers aren’t great, a lot of problems with ping and crashes and packet loss – a mate commented he had a bit of packet loss in London as well 😛

The death comms are the best thing about Aussie servers. I don’t think I’ve been called a faggot more in my life outside a session with Pmac and Camby.

Day 3

On my daily walk. A cougar is walking the track. Mid forties, blonde, probably does a good amount of yoga. After a couple laps she has made friends with a big young Fijian dude walking the track in Jandals. They now walking together which I’m not sure is allowed. Wonder what will happen there!

Day 4

WARZONE WIN! Finally we won a bloody game of Warzone. Rusty, my ‘friend’ from the MIQ page who also is in isolation have been playing about 7 hours a day. The lack of wins was getting a bit rediculous. When the doctor here calls me for the ‘daily mental health check’ during a game I just want to say ‘ I play a game for 7 hours a day and I’m still shit. How do you think I’m fuckin feeling?’

Fucked up a deployment at work. Made a change without telling anyone and probably in trouble. Probably shouldn’t do prod deployments while 1. Jetlagged 2. Boozed and 3. Playing Warzone at the same time…

Game of CS with the kiwi boys! We won one and lost one. I played terrible. But Sloan and the boys keep the spirits high.

Day 5

NZ wins Americas Cup. Well done. The commentary is so biased it almost seems self aware. When NZ in front: ‘Emirates Team New Zealand are playing it brilliantly, excellent move there, the lead is mounting’
When Italy regains the lead: ‘Looks like the race is in nature’s hands at the moment’

Tech Specs:

Warzone Games: 70 (fuck me)
Warzone Wins: 2
Good Meal ratio: 4/16
Tugs: 11

Posted on March 12, 2021

New Series Ftb In Miq

5 minute read

New Series: FTB in MIQ!

Good morning dear readers, and welcome to an exciting new project from the team here at

As I am writing this, I am beginning day 2 of a 14 day period spent in managed isolation in New Zealand. This new blog series will examine the intricacies of managed isolation on the mind and body, have multiple reviews of my day, and of course – a ton of IT security content!

I will begin the first entry in this post. So sit back, relax, and enjoy from your own lockdown/freedom, wherever you may be.

FTBs MIQ | Day 1 | “Arrival”

A cold, dreary day. FTB was making his way to Arsenal station, backpack and suitcase in tow. The wheels of the suitcase groaned on the cobble footpath, the bearings filling up with water and grit from the rain. Perhaps the Samsonite would have been a better choice – the ratings on the Chinese suitcase bearings weren’t anywhere near ABEC standards – and even once you get into Arsenal station there is still a fair walk ahead of you. Gritting his teeth, he hoped his final destination would provide better fortunes with the weather.

The Piccadilly line was running a good service to Heathrow, not that FTB was surprised. After the Blue Bullet, this was his favourite line, closely followed by the Bakerloo. Watching the rackety train approach, what looked like a 00’s refresh car, he smiled to himself. The stations on the Piccadilly are some of the most beautiful in London, not that many of the new generation would notice from beyond their phones.

The car arrived at Terminal 2 with 80 minutes till take-off. Some people would think this is cutting it fine – he knew otherwise. How many times have you ever been close to missing a flight? The closest FTB ever came to missing a flight was in Bangkok, with a friend of his. In this occasion, the plan was to fly into Bangkok, take a taxi to the other Bangkok airport, then fly out to Vietnam. On arrival to the second airport, they realised the airport they actually were flying to Vietnam in was the one they had just left! An hour late to the flight, they still made it on.

Heathrow was eerie. Police and army were the only faces to be seen behind masks. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, as FTB went straight through all checks without delay. He thought how nice it was to travel without being held up by mongs.

He boarded the flight without incident, without speaking to anyone outside the usual twenty ‘Thank-yous’ spoken during boarding. The plane was the new Airbus A350. FTB was lucky enough to see one being built at the Airbus factory in Toulouse. One of his favourite planes, and his first time on it, was a special moment. He marvelled at the beauty of it and touched the fuselage on the way in.

Settling into his Business-class seat (FTB makes a shitload out of computers, not to mention his blog, after all) he made his drink order for a Tiger beer and got comfortable. Searching for something to watch was as tedious as it was at home. 2020 had been a shit year for a multitude of reasons, not least of which was the lack of new media. He settled on Detective Pikachu (not that bad, Bulbasaur looked awesome and Gengar ‘meh’ but quite fun) and fell asleep for the next 8 hours.

Once in Singapore, he wasn’t allowed to leave his seat before taking off again. As he took in the sweet smell of Kerosene during refueling, he thought: don’t we normally disembark to refuel safely? Guess it’s not a risk anymore. Back in the air 90 minutes later, he didn’t feel like sleeping. The smooth ride on the 87km/h tailwind combined with the turbulence prediction system on the 350 makes it easy to nod off but he felt like watching something.

Anthony Bourdain in Lagos was a great watch. He planned to recommend it to his readers.

Upon arrival in Auckland it was as he hoped – a warm blue sky day. Whisked straight from the plane into a bus, he thought again to himself how eerie the terminal was. No other flights except for his one. His MIQ destination: Holiday Inn Auckland Airport.

The Inn was 10 minutes bus ride from the Airport. One by one they disembarked the bus, checked in, had a room assigned. His room was actually pretty great. A balcony in the sun overlooking a water feature. Big double bed. Decent 4K Sony TV. He thought he could spend the time fairly easily as long as the internet was good. 80 gig down with an Ethernet cable. FTB lifted his eyebrows in surprise. Not bad.

The first meals were all vegetarian and you couldn’t choose them. For lunch was a dry bagel with what looked like chicken and brie, with a horrific potato salad on the side. Not a great start. He decided to order some beers. Steinlager pure or Corona for $5 a bottle. He heard you can’t take in your own piss anymore, as this rule always ends in disaster for Kiwis, even if they are alone it seems. When he left New Zealand almost 6 years earlier he remembered that Steinlager pure was considered to be a good beer. He left the thought at that. He closed his eyes and imagined the bright blues and reds of the Fosters can while drinking it in.

He fired up the laptop, did some admin, then played a couple games of Warzone. He got rekt multiple times then gave it up as a bad job. Another beer in the sun. Dinner arrived and was even more dog shit than the lunch – it actually looked like a dog shat on some noodles. At least the taste was so bland not to be horrible.

He conceded to bedtime at 9:30pm. He was surprised he made it so far – he woke from his last sleep 24 hours earlier Our hero settled into a dreamless sleep.

Tech Specs:

Plane speed: 1020km/h with tailwind
Room download speed: 80mb/s on Ethernet
Room TV: Sony 4K
Outside Temperature: 24 Degrees Celcius
Beer temp: ~6 Degrees approx
Food taste level: 2/8
Tugs: 3

Posted on October 30, 2020October 30, 2020

Fazthebro Com Agm Tonight

less than 1 minute read AGM Tonight!

Hi readers,

Exciting news for all!

Tonight is the Annual General Meeting, where we discuss the year in retrospect, plans for the future, and the IT security sector in general. I think we can all say it has been a hell of a year for bad or for worse, but the blog has kept running and helping spirits in these tough times.

The AGM will be held in a Fullers pub, as they have been considering sponsorship of the blog ever since the Michael Ash post (more on this later!) – definitely has nothing to do with the free pint offer today.

In attendance:

J Taylor – Chairman of the board (to provide the minutes shortly)

F Davidson – Founder, CEO and IT helpdesk support

R Mccoy (Zoom) – Financial Controller and Blog Contributor

H Boyd – Sales Director and Home Security Specialist

D Brewer – Risk & Portfolio manager and Foreign Liaison (Albanian Division)

D Cumins – Chief Legal and Illegal Counsel

M O’Byrne – Accounts

As with any AGM or official event, all are welcome. Come down and make your voice heard!

Posted on September 17, 2020

Art Is In The Eye Of The Beer Holder

1 minute read

Art is in the eye of the beer-holder

Hi everyone, long time no post (as usual)

Today we have a rather unusual post for the blog. No mentions of IT security whatsoever. You may stop reading here if you just want securitips!

Today we are talking about art. Art is everywhere you look. In the galleries. In sports. In your cable management. Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. It evokes our emotions, moves us, and takes a snapshot of history forever more.

Sometimes, an artist comes along who doesn’t just move people, but creates a movement. He inspires and educates. He changes the world.

This artist I am talking about is of course:  John Gilroy.

Born in Whitley bay, John  casually started out life as a war hero in WW1. Like all artists, he started out as an amateur, not much recognition. But then he got a job in advertising, and took the world by storm.

John Gilroy is the man behind ‘My Goodness, my Guinness’, ‘Guinness is good for you’ and every other Guinness ad from 1928 – 1960.

Artist and poet.

Bet you feel like a Guinness right about now?

So please dear readers, next time you pick up that delicious creamy pint of the black stuff, take a moment to appreciate the artists – who carried Guinness through time, found the perfect mix of ingredients, designed the keg and piping system. Hell take a moment to thank Michael Ash for the nitrogen he added to it. You owe them.

Posted on May 8, 2020

Letters To The Editor A Real One

1 minute read

Letters to the editor: A real one!

Hi everyone, today I have a letter sent in by one of our most avid young readers, Cameron Olliver! I’ll post it below, but first can I please say thanks Cameron for all the support over the years. You have kept the comment section really busy and we couldn’t have done all the technical and emotional support at without you!

Camerons letter:

A fella named Jackie once said; “A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives”. That could be bullshit, but it rings true for a blog. And this blog, comparable to Jackie being the first black man to play baseball in the major leagues, is the first IT security blog to hit the big time. Just like Jackie gave it to the Yankees in 1955, FTB security is giving it to the knobs of Silicon Valley.

If that didn’t act like a blue pill for your purple headed yogurt slinger, then hopefully some points on how Fazthebro and FTB IT Security changed my life;

  • (May 21, 2017)
  • Apps on apps. Helped me change the way I used the cell.
  • (June 12, 2017) I traded cereal for eggs and avocado on toast! This is a hell of an IT security ploy. Feed the brain, become more alert, don’t click on dumb shit that will give you a virus.
  • (July 5, 2017) Got a fidget spinner.
  • (August 22, 2017) I learnt how to get a big compo payout. Who knew it was good to fly with a shit airline.
  • (September 21, 2017) I learnt to vote in NZ. Waste of time though with the lefty pricks getting in without the popular vote.

Thanks to Fazthebro for being that solid voice amongst the crap that the internet dishes up. Please keep enlightening us all. May you go down as the Jackie Robinson of the IT security world – the first Slav to the top.

…I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Posted on April 30, 2020April 30, 2020

Guest Post Rudgey

5 minute read

Guest Post: Rudgey!

A quick preface to this one – after Ollie’s letter to the editor, I had some fast, furious and fantastic feedback. This one is a guest post from Rudgey, a great friend and colleague of mine who really loves the blog. He wanted to talk about a fairly controversial subject that he has a lot of expertise in, and well…I think I’ll just leave it to him! Enjoy.


This topic is surely one that will divide all of you IT Security fanatics out there. This is one that has subconsciously caused more discussion than GDPR & Brexit combined in 2018 at your average wanker banker pub in the City of London.

You guessed it…..the topic is “The Perfect Pint!”


How often have you heard the sayings from all of those that like to partake in codology out there:

  1. “Beer is so much more that just a drink. It is about the overall experience – good taste, ideally suited food pairing, served in proper pubs by landlords who are obsessed with beer quality and do things the right way when it comes to conditioning” – average upper-middle/upper class respondent
  2. “Guinness doesn’t travel well” – enraged Dublin citizen in Budapest
  3. “The landlord hasn’t cleaned the pipes this month” – Kensington Digital Marketer
  4. “I’m passionate about doing things properly” – silver spoon fed child
  5. “This Sauvignon Blanc is awful, I’d far rather a Jules Taylor” – stereotypical New Zealand female trying to keep up with the Joneses (yes this blog post can also warmly relate to “The Perfect Wine Glass” – there are many parallels)

Following that, how about those surveys!

“More worryingly for the industry, 23% of respondents said they rarely drink a faultless pint, with 32% complaining that the serving temperature is always incorrect and 38% stating that the experience is often spoilt by dirty glassware.”

Using our beloved IT terminology, we like to call these people “spoofers”. They are using our IPs and we need better firewalls to protect ourselves from these unwanted threats.

You see, the funny thing is, the respondents above are statistically speaking likely to fail the blindfold test. Blind fold your everyday Anglo-Saxon, put multiple options of beer/wine in front of them, and get them to tell the difference between both the type and the quality of drink and there is an incredibly large chance that they will fail this with flying colours.

Now trust me I went through a period of saying these things, albeit a short one, so yes I was once one of these people, however with some retrospective reflection I realised not only what was important for me, but also important for the majority readers out there (I hope).

Now, lets embark on our journey to go phishing for the truth of the “Perfect Pint”…

The Truth

The truth has never been more simple, it is never about the taste, the temperature or the quality (although you will see it plays an immaterial part as per below). It is about every variable being as good is it can possibly be. Similar to life, every moment of the day there are constant variables consisting of tiny parts, that add up to the large sum called life. Our large sum is called “The Perfect Pint”.

I am about to unveil all of these tiny parts and you as an everlasting loyal reader, can put them together to see the sum. The key point here is that everyone has slightly different variables. Here are a few things I have learnt over the years that makes the perfect pint for me.

  • Season: Late Autumn
  • Weather: 8-12 degrees, clear blue sky
  • Temperature (outside/inside): In Autumn you tend hunker down a little after a big summer and the temperature is now at a point where you are considering a jersey. The satisfaction of wrappy up and getting that first “cozy” feeling is amazing (like when you are under a blanket watching a rom com). It also means you are not sweaty, not too cold, and just at the right level.
  • Time of day: 3pm. You’ve had a good sleep in and cuddle with your beloved girlfriend/boyfriend, gone out for a delicious salmon and eggs on toast, and have got in a nice bit of exercise with your mate Greg. You are now ready for a pint, Congratulations!
  • The type of week you’ve had: You’ve had a productive week at work, hit your deliverables, been exercising, eating healthily and you have not seen your friends for a while so this really excites you
  • Company size: This is an interesting one. For me 4-5 people is good for the initial stages. Not too crowded, not too personal, but still a good level of intimacy and camaraderie.
  • Drink number: Ideally the best satisfaction comes from the 1-2 pints. When you are not as tipsy and have all senses to saviour all of the variables and analyse them
  • Food: N/A. This is a common myth. Provided you’ve had a substantial brunch/lunch and will eat later, food is irrelevant and a distraction
  • Pub: You’re in a nice slightly gentrified, but traditional cosy pub, ideally with a carpet floor and a fireplace and lights not blinding.
  • Ambience: the pub is busy but still a few spare tables and everyone is civilised but lively and full of joy. Can hold a conversation at a normal home level
  • Music: easy going, nothing too pop/modern. Ideally 90s, early 2000s sing alongs that are well known, but not often played
  • Mobile phone: in the ideal world, we would put these on airplane mode upon walking in the door, but that’s just not what we do. So best when there are no messages received and the focus is on your comrades. Phones are normally visible due to the fact that you are trying to get the other folks down to the pub.
  • Gulps: generally 12-15 gulps to the pint (maybe 20mins to finish?). I’d have to get back to you on this one, it is something not often measured.
  • Presentation: As long as it is filled right up, this doesn’t matter. Even if it is splilling over and messy, adds to the character!

Any finally, drumroll please…….

Beer: I do like this slightly chilled but not too cold, such as Guinness for its temperature and smoothness. But as this post reiterates, this is an immaterial decision because when you combine the variables above, any beer tastes so damn good.

Posted on May 1, 2020